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Curious about what's going on at Boele Fire Protection? Check out the very latest news below.

IMG 6610 bewerkt

The importance of SCIOS inspections is becoming increasingly well known!

For some time Boele Fire Protection has been performing SCIOS inspections for various organizations throughout the country. A SCIOS inspection within the fire safety market is a mandatory inspection that applies to combustion installations, such as diesel pumps for sprinkler systems. These must be inspected periodically due to the Environmental Management Act. Roy van Teeffelen, team leader service at Boele Fire Protection, sees that there is a lot of demand for these inspections.


Kiwa certifies innovation FIRE Vision for remote management and testing of sprinkler installations.

Boele Fire Protection, in collaboration with specialists from the Unica group network, has received certification from Kiwa Fire Safety & Security Certification (FSS) for FIRE Vision Sprinkler. This innovative solution allows for bi-weekly remote testing of sprinkler installations. The certificate confirms that FIRE Vision Sprinkler not only provides benefits but also meets the highest quality standards in the field of remote access and service. Additionally, the first contract has already been secured by Pyrock, a fire protection installer.

Different pump systems for the sprinkler installation

Boele Fire Protection specializes in the installation and maintenance of pump systems for sprinkler installations. These pump systems ensure that an adequate amount of water is pumped from the water reservoir to the sprinkler heads in case of a fire. This allows fire suppression to begin before the fire department arrives, potentially preventing significant damage. Various types of pump sets can be used for this system.

Solution for optimal use of biodiesel in sprinkler pump sets.

To ensure the functionality of a sprinkler pump, guidelines have been established that fuel must adhere to, and preventive maintenance is mandatory. However, there is often confusion in practice regarding the use of biodiesel in sprinkler pump sets. Boele Fire Protection has developed a product that cleans and purifies the day and storage tanks, allowing the biodiesel percentage to be reduced.

Bronpomp als sprinklerpomp

Bij toepassing van een bronpomp als sprinklerpomp is het op veel locaties in Nederland niet wenselijk om het bronwater voor functionele testen in het sprinklerleidingnet te laten, met het oog op mogelijke corrosie in het leidingnet. 

Nieuwe pompkamer voor werkbedrijf Nijmegen

In januari is de eerste pompkamer van het jaar geleverd in Nijmegen. Met twee dieselpompsets zal deze pompruimte, geheel conform EN12845, vanaf halverwege dit jaar de sprinklerinstallatie van Werkbedrijf Nijmegen van water voorzien.

Een bijzondere prestatie in corona-tijd

Een bijzondere prestatie van onze monteurs, in deze bijzondere Corona-tijd: de Engelse monteurs van Franklin Hodge konden de afgelopen weken deze tank niet opbouwen, als gevolg van de reisbeperkingen door de Corona-crisis.

Boele Fire Protection supplies, maintains and replaces sprinkler pumps, sprinkler tanks and complete prefabricated water supplies for fire protection systems.

 24/7 technical support

Boele Fire Protection B.V.

Radonstraat 8
6718 WS Ede (NL)

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