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Challenging C-inspection at Modiform successfully completed

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Recently, Boele Fire Protection completed an extensive C-inspection at Modiform in Leusden. During a C-inspection, it is always uncertain what condition the tank will be found in at locations that are normally difficult to inspect. This was also the case at Modiform, where expert handling and the involvement of various specializations led to a good result.


Modiform offers solutions within the horticultural industry in the areas of cultivation, transport, and packaging systems based on recycled materials. The company has an extensive production environment in Leusden, where (fire) safety is of utmost importance. Modiform therefore has a sprinkler system with an internal water supply. The water tank of this system was due for a ten-year C-inspection, during which the water tank must be completely emptied and thoroughly inspected both inside and outside.

Before emptying the tank, a temporary water supply was installed to keep the sprinkler system operational during the work. The installation of this temporary water supply attracted a lot of attention, as the entire water storage had to be lifted over the building with a crane. The temporary water supply had to be placed in a hard-to-reach courtyard, so that it was as close as possible to the pump room of the building. With great precision, the temporary water supply was placed and connected to the system. This allowed the existing tank to be safely emptied for the inspection to be carried out later.

To remove the last bit of water from the water tank, a panel was removed from the second ring of the tank. This way, the water and the liner could be safely removed without further damaging the tank. A previous inspection had shown that the Z-beams at the top of the tank also needed to be replaced, which meant that a cherry picker had to be placed inside the tank. Therefore, after emptying the tank, a small part of the collision protection had to be removed to drive the cherry picker inside.

However, during the inspection, it unfortunately became clear that the entire bottom ring was severely affected by corrosion, meaning that this entire row of panels, including the concrete collision protection, needed to be completely replaced. These findings were reported to the client, after which Boele Fire Protection received the order to carry out the repair work. Subsequently, the new liner was installed, and all internal steel parts, such as the suction line, anti-vortex plate, and internal flanges, were replaced. After completing the work, the water tank was refilled and checked again for possible leaks.

In addition to the work on the water tank, various repairs were also carried out in the pump room. During the project, a leak was detected around the pump installation. Upon inspection, it was found that this was due to a leak in the discharge line of the jockey pump. This inspection revealed that, in this case too, age and corrosion were the major causes. Additionally, a leak had already been reported in the discharge line of the diesel pump. In collaboration with Unica Fire Safety, the defects in the pump room were identified, and the repairs were carried out directly along with the work of the C-inspection.

After completing the work, the system was put back into operation and now fully complies with the TB67B regulations.

Boele Fire Protection supplies, maintains and replaces sprinkler pumps, sprinkler tanks and complete prefabricated water supplies for fire protection systems.

 24/7 technical support

Boele Fire Protection B.V.

Radonstraat 8
6718 WS Ede (NL)

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